- ज्ञान जब इतना ज्यादा गंभीर हो जाये की हँस न सके । इतना ज्यादा आत्म केंद्रित हो जाये की अपने सिवा दूसरे की चिंता न कर सके । वह ज्ञान, अज्ञान से भी ज्यादा निंदनीय है ।
- ईश्वर सत्य को देखता है मगर प्रतिक्षा करता है ।
- तुलसी इस संसार में सब से मिलिए भाई । न जाने किस वेश में नारायण मिल जाये । ।
- जो ज्ञानी होगा वह त्यागी भी होगा और तभी वह मोह-माया से मुक्त हो सकेगा।
- आत्मा ज्ञानमय है।
- न तो कोई किसी को सोचने से रोक सकता है, न अनुभव करने, चाहने या कार्य करने से रोक सकता है। किन्तु यदि कोई वास्तविक सुख चाहता है, तो उसे केवल विषयवस्तु बदलनी होगी आर्थात् उसे सांसारिक विषयों से मन को हटाकर ईश्वर में लगाना होगा।
- भगवान को निरन्तर दिव्य ध्वनि के उच्चारण द्वारा देखा और सुना जा सकता है। - श्रीमद् भागवतम्
- तब तक ज्ञान अर्जित करो, जब तक की यह अनुभव न हो जाए की अज्ञानता ही श्रेष्ठ है और तब हम अपने ज्ञान को त्यागने का प्रयास करें ।
- अज्ञानी होना पाप है लेकिन ज्ञान को त्याग कर अज्ञानी होना पुण्य है ।
- मनुष्य को हमेशा अपने मूलस्वभाव को प्राप्त करने का प्रयत्न करना चाहिए जो है - अज्ञानता, अबोधता, प्रसन्नता, स्थिरता, शून्यता और स्वतंत्रता ।
- कोई भी संबंध पांच तरह से निभाया जाता है - शरीर से, बुद्धि से, हृदय से, मन से और आत्मा से । ज्यादातर संबंध मन तक आते- आते समाप्त हो जाते हैं और मन में अहंकार आने पर टूट जाते हैं ।
- विनम्रता की पुष्टि होने पर भी अहंकार उपज सकता है ।
- अहंकार की परछाई है - क्रोध ।
- "तजुर्बे ने एक बात सिखाई है एक नया दर्द ही पुराने दर्द की दवाई है" ।
- अगर मनुष्य जनम-मरन के चक्कर से मुक्त होना चाहता है तो उसे अविवाहित रहते हुए ब्र्म्ह्चर्य व्रत का पालन करना चाहिए ।
- मनुष्य जैसा सोचता है और आचरण करता है वह वैसा ही बन जाता है । मनुष्य यदि चाहता है की उसे भगवान के दर्शन हों तो उसे कहीं और भटकने की जरुरत नहीं है, स्वयं के आचार-विचार को शुद्ध कर वह अपने को ही भगवान के रूप में प्राप्त होगा ।
- समस्त दुःखों की जननी माया है ।
- शब्द, रस और पुरुषार्थ ये भगवान के तीन रूप हैं ।
- शब्द ब्रम्ह है ।
- You can change your thoughts and habits and mould a new character.
- Do the best you can and leave the rest to God.
- God helps those who help themselves.
- Goal of life is God-realisation.
- Feel that God works through your hands, sees through your eyes, hears through your ears. You will become a changed being.
- Feel Gods Presence everywhere.
- Walk like a spiritual lion.
- Break the bond of desire.
- Remember the Almighty Lord every moment.
- Speak gently and sweetly in a courteous manner.
- The same Atman which is in your heart prevails in all the bodies.
- Be simple in your life.
- Do not use harsh words.
- Do not exploit others.
- Do not waste your energy in idle talking and worldly gossiping.
- Be cheerful and happy.
- Work is worship of the Lord.
- Have equal mind in pleasure and pain.
- Pray for mercy, light, strength, peace and knowledge.
- Be humble and simple.
- Treat everybody with respect.
- Admit your faults if they are pointed out by others.
- Use your intelligence.
- Do everything in this world with intelligence.
- Introspect. Look within. Try to remove your defects.
- Observe Brahmacharya and Mouna.
- Do not become a victim of anger. Control it by Kshama, love, mercy, sympathy, Vichara and consideration for others.
- Be honest in all your dealings.
- Lead a simple life.
- Never worry yourself on any matter.
- Take Sattvic food. Do not overload the stomach.
- Obey the laws of nature.
- Develop simple living and high thinking.
- You are bound to none.
- Rest in Peace.
- Develop noble and virtuous qualities.
- Be righteous, and work for the good of others.
- Develop the power of concentration.
- Neither birth nor learning makes one good. Good character alone makes one good.
- Life is very precious.
- Do no harm to any being.
- Try to be happy in all states and radiate only joy towards all around you.
- Name and fame are illusory.
- Create opportunities. Create the field for good service.
- Man suffers because of wrong thoughts and wrong desires.
- Decide now what life you want to lead?
- See that your principles are fixed even now. If it is not done now, it will never be done.
- Hold to your ideal; hold fast, and never loosen your grip.
- Oh Lord! I do not know what is good and what is bad for me. I am solely dependent on Thee. Grant unto me all that I need for spiritual life. Take me along the path that will bring me the greatest good.
- God runs to him who prays with a sincere heart.
- We should know in our heart of hearts that this world is not our permanent home, but only a temporary abode.
- We do not accept what we cannot understand.
- People train their children in such a way that they too have to suffer like them when they grow up.
- Work can never be the aim of life.
- The realization of God is the ultimate goal of life.
- "Grant me, O Lord! The necessary strength to overcome all the obstacles that stand in my way to You".
- If the mind is favorable, everything is accomplished.
- We have to train the mind in such a way that it may act according to our command.
- Those who observe strict Brahmacharya develop a strong memory and a remarkable capacity for understanding.
- Those who want to lead a spiritual life should pay special attention to what they eat and drink.
- Believe, "I am a man; I can do anything."
- Fear is the greatest sin.
- Wherever and under whatever circumstances you may be, the rules that you have laid down for yourself must be observed at any cost.
- For your meditation, your study, your reflection, your sleep, you must have certain definite hours. If you lead an irregular life, you cannot succeed in anything.
- Make the best use of your time.
- Death is certain. It may come today or tomorrow.
- Make up your mind to realise your goal or die in the attempt.
- What happiness is there in this world? It is all nothing but sorrow and misery.
- The Lord has placed before man the two paths, good and evil. Choose as you please.
- As you think, so you become.
- The world is so constituted that, if you want pleasure, you must undergo pain.
- Make the best use of the present, without wasting a single moment.
- "Lord! give me wisdom and make me Thine own".
- Give up all ideas of "I" and "mine".
- "I have heard His name, I have taken shelter at His feet; fear and weakness can have no place in me; by His grace I will attain Him in this very life."
- "You have come to eat the mangoes. Why do you bother yourself about the number of trees, branches and leaves in the garden? Eat the mangoes and be satisfied."
- Do not think yourselves too clever. Those who are too clever in this world get cheated in the long run.
- The body and the mind being closely connected.
- The world as it appears to us is all illusion.
- God is beyond mind, He is far beyond intellect.
- "Everything is God's, even myself; I am placed here by His Will, and I shall be removed hence the moment He wills it."
- Do not identify yourself with the things of the world.
- God is the Doer and you the instrument, through you; He will get done what He likes to have done.
- Never allow yourself to be depressed.
- The mind is a strange thing; whatever you hold before it, it will learn.
- The human body is the greatest temple of God.
- No Guru is greater than your own mind.
- What constitutes the food of the mind? Meditation and concentration, prayer and worship, and all such practices.
- A man who has no struggle in his life is lifeless.
- Yogins always watch for the time when the Sushumna (the central nerve within the spinal cord) starts to function and when it is actually at work, at once they will sit for meditation, leaving aside whatever they may be engaged in.
- Do not marry than only you can terminate the repeated cycles of birth and death.
- The most important duty for us in this short life is the worship of God.
- Whatever work you may be engaged in, think of the Lord always.
- See God within yourself.
- Japam and meditation, these are the food of the mind.
- Gerua alone cannot make you a monk.
- Nothing great can be achieved with an unsteady mind.
- With a disturbed mind, you will not succeed either in advancing spiritually or in secular work.
- A Karma-Yogin must keep three-fourths of his mind fixed on God, and with the remaining one-fourth he should do whatever he has to do.
- Whatever you may do or see, look upon it as belonging to God.
- Goodness must flow out through every word you utter, every action you perform, through your behaviour and movements.
- Speak the truth always, and honour and worship all women as mother.
- Believe in the existence of God, and never say He does not exist.
- Real Tapasya lies in three things:
- You must be very truthful. Truth is the pillar to which you must always hold. Every inch of you must b truthful,
- You must get rid of lust.
- You must gain control over your Vasanas.
- Our Shastras say that by observing Brahmacharya for twelve years very strictly, God becomes easy to realise.
- By leading an irregular life, people generally tax their body and mind so heavily that even a period of eight or ten hours' sleep is too short to refresh their system.
- Do not run after name and fame.
- It is good to remain unmarried. Those who keep Brahmacharya gain extraordinary powers.
- When your mind and heart become as pure as clear glass, then only God can reside in you; then only can you claim to be His servant, His devotee, His dependent or child.
- There is no other path to attain God but through Tyaga.
- Develop Viveka and Vairagyam
- There is nothing without, everything is within.
- A great man is born, not made!
- In search of happiness man gets degrees, diplomas, titles, honours, powers, name and fame; he marries; he begets children; in short, he gets all that he imagines would give him happiness. But yet, he finds no rest and peace.
- Sensual pleasure is no pleasure at all.
- You want a Nitya (eternal), Nirupadhika (independent), Niratisaya (Infinite) Ananda. This you will find in your realisation of the Self only.
विचार संग्रह
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